Enemy Tank Types (AI) Idiot: This computer just chooses a random direction and a random angle, hoping to hit something by sheer luck. (This isn't always too bad, depending on the walls.) Straight shot: This computer chooses another tanks situated above him, aims straight and fires. If no dirt is in the way, this tank will almost always hit it's target. If a straight shot tank is the highest the screen, it will shoot with full power at a random angle. Cyborg: This computer targets the player with the highest score and homes in on them with high accuracy. More than one cyborg is sure you ruin your day. You can choose from the options menu whether Cyborgs will buy shields to use during the round. You can also exclude them from being chosen randomly. Lobber: This is a slight modification of the cyborg. This computer chooses a target, and slowly hones it's shot until it hits. This usually takes 4-5 shots. This computer plays most like a human would. It is a difficult enough opponent that at first you won't always win, but at least it is fair. Revenge: This computer uses a method similar to the Lobber to shoot at tanks. However, it will target whoever last shot closest to it. Hopefully by the time you are shooting that close to it, you are about to kill it... Random: This will randomly choose between these types of tanks. (Unless you have changed the options in the Pref menu.)